Choosing a metal structure for your private school gym building

It’s about that time again; schools are starting around the country and the little ones are marching off to class. But for private schools, increased attendance and interest can be a tough hill to climb. Every year classes seem to get bigger, and there is always an intense pressure on private schools to expand, to add more kids and programs. But with that pressure comes the ever present question – where do we put the kids? New buildings? Trailers? A whole new location? If your private school is having these issues, like so many are, it might be time to consider a metal building from Arco Steel – a private school gym could be the perfect method for expanding your school in a fun and attractive way.

Why a private school gym?

A steel building as a private school gym is a multiuse and perfect way to expand anyprivate school gym growing private school. If the property is available, steel buildings are, by nature, easy to install and build. Carpet or tile can be installed as the flooring, and the interior walls painted and decorated in whatever way fits the theme of your school. Once up, your steel building could serve any number of purposes beyond that of a private school gym. It can serve as an all-school lunch or meeting area, a theater or even a place to gather at the beginning or the end of the long school day. It’s tough to think of a steel building, something you might gym-2think of as an industrial product reserved for aircraft hangers and shipyards, could be such a perfect solution for a private school gym. But once you see a private school gym up and filled with little ones, it will be impossible to see any other more perfect solution to your private school’s space and expansion needs.

Call Arco Steel today!

Your private school needs more space, and Arco Steel’s buildings, as a private school gym or multiuse space, is the perfect solution. The ease of building and installation, the low cost and the extended and invaluable usefulness of a private school gym is something you may not know you needed before, but the case is clearly there. Arco Steel offers free quotes on any size or shape building you may need, so give them a call at 1-800-241-8339 or click the banner below and get the ball rolling today!