5 Reasons You Should Consider a 100 x 300 Steel Building for Your County Municipal Needs



Countless people every day drive on the streets, enjoy the parks and take advantage of the benefits of your community has to offer. Where you live is so beautiful and enjoyable for its residents because of the hard work that’s put in behind the scenes. Here at Arco Building Systems, we understand your dedication and passion to the community, and we’re here today to explore whether a 100 x 300 steel building is the solution to your county’s upcoming project.

5 Ways You Could Purpose a Steel Building

1. Equipment Storage

From heavy machinery to event equipment at a park, 100 x 300 steel buildings can offer vast, unobstructed layouts so that you can maximize your storage area. In order to utilize your area to its fullest potential, your best option is a structure that does not have any columns. Obstructions such as columns can limit the capacity of your work area, which is why we feel that a gabled clear-span (columnless) steel building is your best option for equipment storage.

2. Government Offices

Though industrial at their core, steel buildings can be modified to have a very attractive exterior and interior. Steel buildings are wonderful solutions for administrative purposes because they’re durable, affordable and adaptable to your needs.

3. Parks and Rec

Offering so much to the community, county parks have so many amenities. With a wide range of facilities, a county park could need a building for countless functions. No matter the purpose, a steel building can be your solution. Used for housing anything ranging from administrative offices to gymnasiums, steel buildings are ideal for parks and rec purposes.

4. Recycling Centers

As mentioned in the storage section above, steel buildings offer open layouts that can accommodate the elaborate functions of a recycling center. What’s unique about this building material is that steel is 100% recyclable. The brand-new building that you could be your solution for your next project could be completely repurposed generations down the road. For multiple reasons, this makes a steel building the preferred option for a recycling center.

5. Multipurpose Building

Our favorite aspect of steel buildings is that they can be purposed for nearly anything. If you need a building that is a combination of administrative space and storage space, a steel building can accommodate that. Steel as a building material is durable and can withstand the daily operations of a warehouse, but the structure of a steel building can also conform to your aesthetic vision to adequate administrative functions.

Better Your Community, Find Your Better Solution

Our staff here at Arco is eager to take your call and help guide you to your best possible solution. We want your business to flourish, and the way we can help is through supplying you with a low-maintenance, long-term building option that can withstand the forces of nature. Arco is a team of professionals ready to help put you in a building that’s the best match for you. Contact us today at 1-800-241-8339 or by requesting a quote on our website for a 100 x 100 steel building. Be a part of our online community by connecting with us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for more on how our products can benefit your county.


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